Jesus, Our Only Hope.

This verse hit different tonight-
Isaiah 55:6 😭❤

Just a few of my thoughts tonight:
There are people overseas that have to meet in secret to get this Word, but I'm too hungry for the world to pick it up.

There are people being beheaded. Cut in half. Families killed in front of them. Thrown in prison for this Word, yet ...

    I still don't love it like I should.
    Read it like I should.
    Crave it like I should.

My prayer for the last several years has been:
"More than I desire food, let me desire your Word.
    More than I desire drink, let me desire your presence.
    More than I desire the companionship of any other person, let me desire you."

And yet my fill-up on Sunday lasts until about halfway through Monday, and I'm tired and thinking about what I'm going to do after work.  

Or just ready for bed.

I've watched an hour and a half movie (that wasn't even that great), but I'm too tired now to read my Bible.
Then there's times I think what if I rented a hotel and spent time with just me and the Lord? No TV. No music. No phone. Just me, the Lord and His Word.

How scandalous would it be to have a sleepless night, because I was so busy praying for everything under the Sun and REALLY sought the Lord for more? Instead of not being willing to sacrifice one hour, one MINUTE of sleep for prayer.

What if I stopped doing all this religious stuff, and just spent a Saturday helping people? I can't start this Saturday, because there's this thing though ...

I'm so sick of going back and forth! I feel like Paul when he says the things I know to do, I don't, and the things I shouldn't do, I do.

I don't want to ride on the backs of anointed men and women of God, hanging on to their coattails. When revival comes, and God waves over this land I want MY OWN EXPERIENCE.

The older I get the more I realize the battle of flesh/spirit. How my emotions affect everything. What God really desires from us, and all that we've added to it. The things we do that are harmless, but not really beneficial to our walk with the Lord.

I'm not normally transparent like this. I've been more honest recently with my struggles. But, I want you to know you don't have to be a superhero to be a Christian. I STILL am struggling to prioritize my life. I STILL am putting God on the backburner sometimes. But as I've done a couple of times over the last few weeks, I ask His forgiveness and I keep trekking. Tomorrow's a new day, and His mercies are new every morning.

There was a time I thought I was the exception to that rule. Now I see it's not about me, but about Him and what His Son did for me on the cross.

Just as the church buildings are closed now and you can't get in freely, there will come a time when God will not be heard of those who aren't actively following Him. Growing in Him. Seeking His face.

I ask tonight for myself how pleased is God with me? I can say honestly a part of me isn't happy with the answer.

The good thing is that He loves too much to leave us the way He finds us, and He'll continue working until this thing comes to a close.

Thankful for the hope I have, on this Easter Sunday! You can have this hope too ❤

#not perfect #justforgiven #thetombisempty #Hebecamesin #sowecouldbecomeHisrighteousness #Heisouronlyhope #HesaGodofsecondchances #andthirds #andfourths #andthousands


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