
Showing posts from August, 2016

One valley to the next.

    Clearly I'm slacking on the blog.ha I have a whole bunch of  fresh thoughts swirling around, but then I wait until late to publish them so it's not as good as it would have been at the first. OR, I don't publish them at all, and no one is helped, or encouraged in any way because I've kept it to myself.     With that being said, in an effort to encourage someone else, I'd like to share my last several months with you (in a nutshell) of course.     ...     You can't look back and find the time you started feeling this way. It just sort of happens, and you have to figure out how to get out of it. Depression. Something I've struggled with, off and on for as long as I can remember. I could hang around my friends, laugh and cut up but I was so unhappy and really and truthfully angry at myself for allowing it to get that far again. I'd walk in to church and think why are you even here? You're not gonna change. There's no point in trying. You ca