There's a new hope.
On the way home from the Women's Retreat, listening to my Isaacs CD and thinking about how it's gonna be when I get back home. We just made it to South Carolina a few minutes ago, so I still got plenty of time to get some good thinkin' in. I'm thinking more on the side of the spiritual, and how can I change when I get back? I have GOT to get to know my Lord better, and that's the bottom line. I have heard so many stories this week of the faithfulness of our God and I'm overwhelmed by it. Details so intricate and perfectly designed that they could only come to be through a perfect and loving being. Can I trust him like that for myself? Can I believe that he is who he is, says what he means, and does exactly what he says he's gonna do? That he loves me, is preparing the way, and perfecting that which concerns me? Yes, I can! Why? Because his word says. Because he's showed...